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martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

One could think that the scandals of Miley Cyrus would harm its career, but just the opposite. To the youth they give him/her same the critics and he/she has known how to play their letters to get rid of their girl image Disney, benefitting their career and generating expectation.
Miley Cyrus began being a sweet girl in Hannah Montana and, to its eighteen years, already bill with scandals of naked suppositions, daring videoclips and consumption of suspicious substances.
But she has very undoubtedly it is fed up with living as their character and he/she will make what comes him/her in desire. It is more, the critics for the videotape in which comes out smoking sage give him/her same.
"Miley doesn't care it. It is filming their movie and continuing with their life", they affirm sources of TMZ.
And it is in fact that attitude of normality the one that has saved him/her up to now, and it could impel their artistic career. Because her, contrary to Lindsay Lohan, yes it fulfills their professional commitments.
A producing of cinema and television has attested this way it for Hollywood Life: I don't "really believe that this episode will brake any director when hiring her. Miley shows rebellious behavior but it continues making its work and filling rooms."
In fact, their controversial attitude can even help her in its desired direction change. "This could open him/her doors for chancier papers, although it sounds to madness. People are intrigued by her way of living and they wait containing the encouragement to see if you/he/she ends up in disaster", you/he/she 

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