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jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Miley Cyrus is obsessed with Britney Spears

 "Hold it against is I" the new work of Britney Spears (29) that returns beating records in the musical industry and with the one that claims its status of "princess of the pop music." A song that has not passed desapercibida for anybody, not even for Miley Cyrus (18).

Many are the things that Miley and Britney share. Both have been discovered by Disney; they have gotten that their you sail they arrive, in more than an occasion, at most high of the lists of successes; they have played some that another scandal; one is the princess of the pop music and the other one is on the way being it... And now Miley surrenders before Spears. 

The actress of Hannah Montana, he/she has just written in their official page that it is fascinated and obsessed with the new one it sails of Britney. "Oh My God!. I have just discharged myself the new song of Britney iTunes Spears: "Hold it Against is I" the new hit! I am obsessed with this song, I cannot stop of dancing. Listen to it!".

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